NYC Human Rights Law

In Schwarz v. Consolidated Edison, Inc., 2015 NY Slip Op 25258 (Sup. Ct. NY Cty. Aug. 3, 2015), the court dismissed the discrimination complaint brought by Charles Schwartz against Con Edison under CPLR 3211(a)(7) for failure to state a claim. Mr. Schwartz – one of the police officers involved with the Abner Louima case (and who…

Read More Court Dismisses Abner Louima Officer’s Conviction Discrimination Complaint Against ConEd
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Here is the recently-filed sexual harassment complaint, captioned Campisi v. City University of New York and Dean George Ranalli, SDNY 15-cv-04859, in which plaintiff alleges that she was subjected to sexual harassment. She seeks relief under Title IX of the Educational Amendments of 1972, 20 U.S.C. 1681, and the New York City Human Rights Law.

Read More Title IX Sexual Harassment Lawsuit Against CUNY and Dean George Ranalli
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In Roberts v. United Parcel Serv., Inc., No. 13-CV-6161, 2015 WL 4509994 (E.D.N.Y. July 27, 2015), the Eastern District of New York denied defendant United Parcel Service’s post-trial motions and upheld the jury’s $100,000 verdict for plaintiff on her sexual orientation discrimination/hostile work environment and retaliation claims under the NYC Human Rights Law. From Judge…

Read More Court Upholds Jury Verdict (Liability and $100k Damages) in Sexual Orientation Discrimination Case Against UPS
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In Lee v. Woori Bank, decided by the Appellate Division, First Department on July 28, 2015, the  court held that plaintiff’s sexual harassment and negligence claims were not barred by the “waiver” provision of New York’s whistleblower statute, Labor Law § 740. Labor Law § 740(7) provides, in part, that “the institution of an action in accordance…

Read More Sexual Harassment and Negligence Claims Not Waived by Waiver Provision of New York’s Whistleblower Statute
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Here is the recently-filed lawsuit, captioned Kieara Gaskin and Tenia Stuckey v. BK Venture Group LTD d/b/a Jaguars 3 and Starlets NYC, 15-cv-04190 (EDNY filed July 16, 2015), in which the plaintiffs allege that they were not paid properly under federal and state wage laws, and subjected to discrimination and a hostile work environment based…

Read More Entertainers’ FLSA, Race/Sex Hostile Work Environment Lawsuit Against Strip Club
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In Roberts v. UPS, 13-cv-6161 (Eastern District of New York), a jury recently awarded a discrimination plaintiff $50,000 in compensatory damages and $50,000 in punitive damages under the New York City Human Rights Law ($25k compensatory for discrimination, $25k punitive for discrimination, $25k compensatory for retaliation, $25k punitive for retaliation). Federal subject matter jurisdiction was…

Read More $100,000 Jury Verdict for Victim of Sexual Orientation Discrimination and Harassment
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Here is the sexual harassment / hostile work environment federal court lawsuit, captioned Castelgrande v. Elie Tahari, Ltd. and Elie Tahari, SDNY 15-cv-04564, filed on June 16, 2015. Plaintiff alleges that the defendant(s) fired her two hours after she complained about sexual harassment, namely, Mr. Tahari’s attempt, while plaintiff was standing in a room with workers,…

Read More Sexual Harassment / Hostile Work Environment Lawsuit Against Elie Tahari
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On June 12, 2015, a federal jury awarded plaintiff Augustina Balu $300,000 in compensatory damages, and $25,000 in punitive damages, in her sexual harassment / hostile work environment lawsuit against the City of New York and NYPD employee Denis McAuliffe. Here is the jury’s verdict sheet in the case, captioned Balu v. City of New York et…

Read More Jury Awards $325K (Including Punitive Damages) to Plaintiff in Sexual Harassment / Hostile Work Environment Lawsuit Against the NYPD
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In Catapano-Fox v. City of New York, No. 14 CIV. 8036 KPF, 2015 WL 3630725 (S.D.N.Y. June 11, 2015), the Southern District of New York denied defendants’ motion to dismiss plaintiff’s claim that she was fired in retaliation for complaining about sexual harassment. This decision provides a good overview of the legal principles governing the proper…

Read More Retaliation Claim, Based on Termination in Response to Sexual Harassment Complaints, May Proceed
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Here is the complaint, captioned Andre v. Memorial Sloan Kettering Cancer Center et al, 15-cv-04557 (SDNY June 11, 2015), in which the female plaintiff alleges, among other things, that her female supervisor sexually harassed her and fired her in retaliation for engaging in protected activity.  

Read More Same-Sex Sexual Harassment, Pregnancy Discrimination, and Retaliation Lawsuit Against Memorial Sloan Kettering
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