Race / Color Discrimination

Here is the complaint recently filed in New York state court by plaintiffs Jeanette Grullon, Jenny Mejia, and Sandra Pozo against Catholic Charities Neighborhood Services, Inc. Plaintiff allege that they were “sexually harassed by their African-American male supervisor at Catholic Charities, where they were employed. When they complained about the sexual harassment, they were intimidated and accused…

Read More Sexual Harassment Lawsuit Against Catholic Charities Neighborhood Services
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In Knight v. State University of New York at Stony Brook, the Eastern District of New York recently dismissed plaintiff’s race discrimination and retaliation claims, on the ground that plaintiff did not sufficiently allege that he was employed by the defendant. Plaintiff alleged that he worked as an electrician at a construction project for defendant…

Read More Court Dismisses Race Discrimination Case Because Plaintiff Didn’t Sufficiently Allege That He Was Employed by Defendant
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Here is the race and national origin discrimination lawsuit filed on November 6, 2013 by Moselle Blanco against Alexander McQueen Trading Ltd., Max Cantey, and Monique Hagan. Plaintiff alleges, for example, that her co-worker Max Cantey subjected her to racially derogatory remarks (such as calling her “taco smoke” and “burrito face” and saying that she “had…

Read More Race and National Origin Discrimination Lawsuit Against Alexander McQueen Trading Ltd.
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A recent Second Circuit decision, Albert-Roberts v. GGG Construction (Summary Order), illustrates that the workplace utterance of even the most arguably vile racial slur (“nigger”) is not necessarily sufficient to support a hostile work environment claim. Plaintiff, who was employed by GGG as a part-time, nighttime office cleaner, alleged that she was subjected to a hostile…

Read More Co-Worker’s Use of Racial Slur Did Not Support Hostile Work Environment Claim; Timing of Outsourcing Decision Resulted in Dismissal of Retaliation Claim
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On October 28, 2013, the Southern District of New York issued its opinion in Guzman v. NY Post, holding that plaintiff Sandra Guzman presented sufficient evidence to proceed on her hostile work environment, discriminatory termination, and retaliation claims. The decision was (I am sure happily) covered by the Daily News here. Plaintiff is a black, Hispanic, Puerto Rican…

Read More Hostile Work Environment, Sexual Harassment, and Race/National Origin Claims Continue Against New York Post and Col Allan
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In Singh v. Bay Crane Services, 11-cv-720 (EDNY Oct. 11, 2013), the Eastern District of New York recently denied defendant’s motion for summary judgment and allowed plaintiff, a Guyanese man of Indian descent, to proceed with his claim that he was not hired for discriminatory reasons – namely, his race and national origin. Since the court…

Read More Crane Operator’s Race and National Origin Discrimination Claims Allowed to Continue
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Below and here is the complaint, captioned Pino v. Brooks Brothers Group, Inc. et al., 13-CV-5022, filed by a female factory worker against Brooks Brothers and related entities in the Eastern District of New York. Plaintiff asserts claims of gender discrimination, race discrimination, national origin discrimination, and retaliation. Among other things, plaintiff alleges that her supervisor and…

Read More Brooks Brothers Sexual Harassment Lawsuit
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Neither rain, nor shine, nor discrimination lawsuits… The Southern District of New York recently granted summary judgment in favor of the U.S. Postal Service in a discrimination and retaliation lawsuit. The decision is Jimenez v. Donahoe, decided September 11, 2013. Plaintiff Carlos Jimenez, a mail handler (and musician) alleged that he was subjected to discrimination…

Read More Court Dismisses Musical Mailman’s Discrimination and Retaliation Claims
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In Alladin v. Paramount Management LLC, the Southern District of New York recently granted summary judgment to plaintiff on various issues relating to her unpaid wage claims under the Fair Labor Standards Act and the New York Labor Law, but denied it with respect to plaintiff’s race discrimination claim. Plaintiff worked for defendant for two…

Read More Court Awards Summary Judgment to Plaintiff on Wage Claims; Employer Kept No Records And Admitted to Failing to Pay Plaintiff as Required by Law
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In Viruet v. Port Jervis City School Dist., the Southern District of New York held that plaintiff, a Hispanic bus driver for defendant school district, presented enough evidence on her Title VII discrimination claim to defeat defendant’s motion for summary judgment. Plaintiff claimed that defendant refused to permit her to “bid” for a contract bus run,…

Read More Plaintiff Defeats Summary Judgment on National Origin, Race, and Color Discrimination Claims; Claims Not Precluded By Collective Bargaining Agreement
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