Title VII of the Civil Rights Act of 1964

In Borzon v. Green, et al., 18-2211 (2d Cir. July 2, 2019) (Summary Order), the Second Circuit affirmed the dismissal of plaintiff’s race discrimination and retaliation claims under Title VII of the 1964 Civil Rights ACt of 1964. Plaintiff, who is white, alleged that shortly after his hiring, defendant was hired to serve as plaintiff’s…

Read More 2nd Circuit, Citing Negative Performance Reviews, Affirms Dismissal of White Plaintiff’s Title VII Discrimination and Retaliation Claims
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From MARIOS PANAYIOTOU, Plaintiff, v. N.Y.C. DEPARTMENT OF EDUCATION, Defendant., 2019 WL 2453438, at *5 (E.D.N.Y., 2019): As to the alleged national origin- and age-based animus, the incidents as described are not severe or pervasive enough to support a hostile work environment claim. Again, the plaintiff cites the principal’s instruction to “speak clearly” – an…

Read More National Origin- and Age-Based Hostile Work Environment Claims Dismissed
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Today the Supreme Court, in an opinion delivered by Justice Ginsburg, Ford Bend County, Texas v. Davis, No. 18-525, held that the EEOC charge-filing requirement, embodied in Title VII of the Civil Rights Act of 1964, is not “jurisdictional” (and thus does not relate to subject matter jurisdiction), but is rather a “claim-processing rul[] that…

Read More SCOTUS Holds That Title VII’s EEOC Charge-Filing Requirement is Not “Jurisdictional”
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In Williams v. County of Nassau et al, 15-cv-7098, 2019 WL 2270518 (E.D.N.Y. May 28, 2019), the court, inter alia, granted defendants’ motion for summary judgment on plaintiff’s race-based hostile work environment claim. Included among the evidence presented by plaintiff were “etchings” of the letters “KKK” and a half-finished swastika; “jokes” about the KKK standing…

Read More Hostile Work Environment Claim Dismissed; Presence of KKK, Swastika Etchings Insufficient
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In Kasperek v. New York State Department of Corrections and Community Supervision, 16-cv-00671, 2019 WL 2240391 (W.D.N.Y. May 24, 2019), the court denied defendant’s motion to dismiss plaintiff’s claim of gender discrimination. From the decision: Plaintiff has adequately alleged a claim for sex discrimination. The amended complaint contains several allegations relevant to an adverse employment…

Read More Sex Discrimination Claim Plausibly Alleged
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In McIntyre v. Corning Incorporated, 15-cv-6277, 2019 WL 2140625 (W.D.N.Y., 2019), the court, inter alia, dismissed plaintiff’s Title VII hostile work environment claim, finding that plaintiff did not show that he was subjected to a hostile work environment within 300 days of his EEOC complaint. In this case, plaintiff alleged (inter alia) that he was…

Read More Untimely, Non-Gender Based Conduct Did Not Amount to a Hostile Work Environment Claim, Court Holds
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In Martin v. New York State et al, 17-cv-9721, 2019 WL 2053992 (S.D.N.Y. May 9, 2019), the court, inter alia, dismissed plaintiff’s sexual harassment claim based on the conduct of a non “supervisor.” The court’s decision turned on that branch of the law providing that “[w]hen the harassment is perpetrated by a non-supervisory coworker, an…

Read More Court Dismisses Sexual Harassment Claim Based on Conduct By Non-Supervisor
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In Colas v. City of University of New York, 17-cv-4825, 2019 WL 2028701 (E.D.N.Y. May 7, 2019), the court, inter alia, dismissed plaintiff’s pregnancy-based hostile work environment and constructive discharge claims. As to plaintiff’s hostile work environment claim, the court explained: Here, Defendants contend that Plaintiff’s allegations “amount to dissatisfaction with her supervisors, … personality…

Read More Pregnancy-Based Hostile Work Environment, Constructive Discharge Claims Dismissed Against CUNY
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In McCullough v. John T. Mather Hospital of Port Jefferson, New York, Inc., 16-cv-4968, 2019 WL 1755436 (EDNY April 19, 2019), the court, inter alia, dismissed plaintiff’s hostile work environment claim. It summarized the law as follows: Title VII and NYSHRL prohibits an employer from discriminating against an employee on the basis of race, color,…

Read More Hostile Work Environment Claims Dismissed; “Inappropriate” Comments Were Insufficiently Severe, and Not Tied to Protected Status
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