Court: SDNY

In Marquez v. City of New York, 14-CV-8185, 2016 WL 4767577 (SDNY Sept. 12, 2016), the court granted summary judgment to defendant and dismissed plaintiff’s hostile work environment claim. Plaintiff (a NYPD detective) alleged, among other things, that a male Lieutenant (Castro) told her that she did not need to lose weight and that he “liked her the…

Read More Invitation to “Gun Show” and Other Comments Insufficient to Survive Summary Judgment on Hostile Work Environment Claim
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In Walker v. H & M Henner & Mauritz LP, 16-cv-03818 (SDNY Sept. 16, 2016), the court granted the plaintiff’s motion to quash subpoenas that defendant proposed to serve on plaintiff’s former and current employers and schools she attended, in order to support its “after acquired evidence” defense. Defendant argued that “during the course of…

Read More Court Quashes Subpoenas to Obtain Prior Employment Information to Support “After Acquired Evidence Defense” in Race Discrimination Case
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In Parra v. City of White Plains et al, No. 13 CV 5544 (VB), 2016 WL 4734666 (S.D.N.Y. Sept. 9, 2016), the court denied defendants’ motion for summary judgment on plaintiff’s hostile work environment claim (but granted it with respect to plaintiff’s retaliation claim). In sum, plaintiff – a police officer – alleges that two…

Read More Police Officer’s Sexual Harassment / Hostile Work Environment Claim Survives Summary Judgment
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In a recently-filed Manhattan federal court complaint, captioned Davy v. Darren Davy (SDNY 16-07083), plaintiff Angela Maria Puerta – a nanny and housekeeper who worked for defendants Darren Davy and Asmaa Davy – asserts claims of unpaid wages, hostile work environment, and unlawful termination. From the complaint: 1. For more than two years, [plaintiff] worked…

Read More Nanny/Housekeeper’s Wage/Hour, Hostile Work Environment, Unlawful Termination Allegations Against Darren & Asmaa Davy
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A female partner at the law firm of Chadbourne & Parke LLP filed a Manhattan federal lawsuit (captioned Kerrie Campbell v. Chadbourne & Parke LLP et al, SDNY 16-cv-6832), which “seeks relief on behalf of herself and other female Partners who have been disparately underpaid, systematically shut out of Firm leadership, demoted, de-equitized and terminated.”

Read More Gender Discrimination Class-Action Lawsuit Against Chadbourne & Parke
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In Rogers v. Bank of New York Mellon, No. 09 CIV. 8551 (HBP), 2016 WL 4362204 (S.D.N.Y. Aug. 15, 2016), the court granted in part and denied in part defendants’ motion for summary judgment on plaintiff’s various claims, including hostile work environment, sexual harassment, and race/color pay discrimination. As to her hostile work environment claim,…

Read More “Crazy Black Bitch” Comment Insufficient to Establish Hostile Work Environment
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In Misas v. N.-Shore Long Island Jewish Health Sys., No. 14-cv-8787, 2016 WL 4082718 (S.D.N.Y. July 25, 2016), the court reaffirmed that an employment discrimination/sexual harassment plaintiff seeking only so-called “garden variety” emotional distress damages does not put their medical condition in issue for discovery purposes. In this case, plaintiffs assert claims of, inter alia, sexual…

Read More Sexual Harassment Plaintiffs’ Assertion of “Garden Variety” Emotional Distress Damages Does Not Authorize Extensive Medical Discovery
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A recent decision, Campisi v. The City University of New York & Dean George Ranalli, No. 15 CIV. 4859 (KPF), 2016 WL 4203549 (S.D.N.Y. Aug. 9, 2016), addresses the interplay between Title VII of the Civil Rights Act of 1964 and Title IX of the Education Amendments of 1972 (20 U.S.C. §§ 1681-1688). Plaintiff, a…

Read More Student Worker Plausibly Alleges Title IX Hostile Work Environment Sexual Harassment Claim Against CUNY
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In Atencio v. United States Postal Serv., No. 14 CIV. 7929 (AJP), 2016 WL 4145930 (S.D.N.Y. Aug. 4, 2016), the court granted defendant USPS’ motion for summary judgment on plaintiff’s reasonable accommodation claim, but denied its motion on plaintiff’s retaliation claim under the Rehabilitation Act (a federal statute applicable to claims of disability discrimination by…

Read More Letter Carrier’s Retaliatory Hostile Work Environment Claim Against USPS Survives Summary Judgment
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