Court: SDNY

A Manhattan federal jury recently awarded $2.2 million to male trucking company employee Raymond Rosas and rejected defendant’s counterclaim for conversion. In that lawsuit, captioned Rosas v. Balter Sales Co. Inc. et al. (SDNY 12-cv-6557), plaintiff – a Hispanic male – asserted claims of (e.g.) race discrimination, gender discrimination, hostile work environment, sexual harassment, and…

Read More $2.2 Million Verdict in Male Truck Driver’s Sexual & Race Harassment Lawsuit
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In Erasmus v. Deutsche Bank Americas Holding Corp. et al, No. 15 CIV. 1398 (PAE), 2015 WL 7736554 (S.D.N.Y. Nov. 30, 2015), the Southern District of New York (Judge Engelmayer) dismissed plaintiff’s hostile work environment and discrimination claims, but permitted plaintiff’s retaliation claims (albeit in limited form) to continue. Plaintiff, a heterosexual male, alleged in…

Read More Retaliation Claims, But Not Discrimination & Hostile Work Environment Claims, Remain Against Deutsche Bank
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In Gorman v. Covidien, LLC, No. 13 CIV. 6486 (KPF), 2015 WL 7308659 (S.D.N.Y. Nov. 19, 2015), the court dismissed most of plaintiff’s employment discrimination claims, but permitted his disability discrimination claim under the NYC Human Rights Law to continue. This case, like all employment cases, arises from a complex tapestry of facts that, for…

Read More “Soldiers are Babies” Comment Supports PTSD Disability Discrimination Claim Under the NYC Human Rights Law
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Shawn Bickham just wanted a Coke. He got one from the fridge and started drinking. After he had finished about half the can, he “felt something get caught in his throat” which “felt like something poking and something just stuck, lodged [in his throat].” It turned out that the object was a non-metallic “dried, brittle…

Read More Case Arising From Ingestion of “Dried, Brittle Mass” From Coke Can Survives Summary Judgment Under “Res Ipsa Loquitur” Theory
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In a recent Manhattan federal lawsuit, captioned Jose Alcantara v. Bed Bath & Beyond Inc. and Kellie Marsalli, SDNY 15-cv-08770 (filed 11/6/15), plaintiff (a Muslim cancer survivor) alleges that he was subjected to a hostile work environment, retaliated against, denied a raise and promotion, and terminated based upon his religion. Plaintiff alleges, among other things, that defendant(s)…

Read More Muslim’s Religious Discrimination Lawsuit Against Bed Bath & Beyond
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In Najnin v. Dollar Mountain, Inc., No. 14CV5758, 2015 WL 6125436 (S.D.N.Y. Sept. 25, 2015), the court provides some insight into how damages are determined when a defendant defaults in an unpaid wages/employment discrimination (sexual harassment) case. The court held, among other things, that plaintiff was not entitled to any back pay damages, and to…

Read More Court Explains Damages in Sexual Harassment/Unpaid Overtime Case Upon Defendant’s Default
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In a recent lawsuit filed in Manhattan federal court (captioned Harwell v. Consolidated Edison Co. of NY, 15-cv-08511 (SDNY filed 10/28/15), plaintiff (an African American woman) asserts, among other things, that she was subjected to race discrimination, gender discrimination, and a hostile work environment by her employer, Con Ed.

Read More Race/Gender Discrimination, Sexual Harassment Lawsuit Against Con Edison
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File this one under “What were they thinking?!?”. When the facts of an employment discrimination case include the terms “Hitler video” and “mandatory conference”, it isn’t difficult to predict how the case is going to turn out. In Orlando v. BNP Paribas N. Am., Inc., No. 14 CIV. 4102 AJP, 2015 WL 6387531 (S.D.N.Y. Oct. 22,…

Read More Hitler/Nazi “Training Video” Supports Hostile Work Environment Claims Under New York State and City Human Rights Laws
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In Parker v. Workmen’s Circle Ctr. of the Bronx, Inc., No. 14CV5327-LTS, 2015 WL 5710511 (S.D.N.Y. Sept. 29, 2015), the Southern District of New York held that plaintiff sufficiently alleged her gender discrimination, sexual harassment, and hostile work environment claims. The Facts The court summarized plaintiff’s allegations, as set forth in her federal complaint, as…

Read More Retaliation, Hostile Work Environment, Gender Discrimination Claims Sufficiently Alleged Against Workmen’s Circle Center of the Bronx
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In a recent lawsuit, Kaplan-DiNola v. NYC Dept. of Education, 15-cv-8139 (SDNY filed 10/16/15), elementary school teacher Rosanne Kaplan-DiNola alleges that she is a homosexual female who “has been forced to work in an environment of blatant homophobia and discrimination perpetrated by her immediate supervisors.” She alleges, for example, that defendants berated her for her…

Read More Teacher’s Sexual Orientation Discrimination Lawsuit Against NYC Dept. of Education
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